Si-Min Lin
School of Life Science,
National Taiwan Normal University
Email: lizard.dna@gmail.com

Research interests
 1. Herpetology
 2. Molecular phylogenetics, population genetics, speciation
 3. Behavioral ecology, signal communication, sexual selection
 4. Ornithology, especially raptor ecology
 5. Wildlife trades, policy, and conservation biology
6. Reptile cognition
Ongoing projects
 1. Host-parasite interactions, courtship behavior, and reproductive tradeoffs of lizards
 2. Acoustic signal and gene flow between frog species
 3. Speciation mode and historical gene flow of sibling reptiles
 4. Urban ecology of owls and goshawks
 1. Evolutionary Biology
 2. Vertebrate Zoology
 3. Conservation Biology
 4. Herpetology