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Phylogeography and Evolution


Hsiao, Y.-W., H.-Y. Tseng, H. N. Nguyen, Si-Min Lin*. (2021-05) Asymmetric acoustic signal recognition led to asymmetric gene flow between two parapatric frogs. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 192, 130–143.

Wang, Y.-H., Y.-W. Hsiao, K.-H. Lee, H.-Y. Tseng, Y.-P. Lin, S. Komaki, Si-Min Lin*. (2017-09). Acoustic differentiation and behavioral response reveals cryptic species within Buergeria treefrogs (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Taiwan. PLOS ONE, 12(9), e0184005.

Lee, Y., J.-W. Lin, S.-P. Tseng, T.-H. Chen, Si-Min Lin*. (2019-12) Human disturbance as a possible cause of genetic introgression from exotic into native Mauremys turtles. Animal Conservation, 22(6), 556–567.

Lee, K.-H., P.-J. L. Shaner, Y.-P. Lin, Si-Min Lin*. (2016-04) Geographic variation in advertisement calls of a Microhylid frog – testing the role of drift and ecology. Ecology and Evolution, 6(10), 3289–3298.

Nguyen, H. N., C.-W. Lu, J.-H. Chu, L. L. Grismer, C.-M. Hung, Si-Min Lin*. (2019-02) Historical demography of four gecko species specializing in boulder cave habitat – its implications in the evolutionary dead end hypothesis and conservation. Molecular Ecology, 28(4), 772–784.

Yang, S.-F., S. Komaki, R. M. Brown, Si-Min Lin*. (2018)

Journal of Biogeography 45, 37–50. [LINK]

Tseng, S.-P., C.-J. Wang, S.-H. Li, Si-Min Lin*. (2015)

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 90, 164–175. [LINK]

Tseng, S.-P., S.-H. Li, C.-H. Hsieh, H.-Y. Wang, Si-Min Lin*. (2014). Molecular Ecology 23, 4770–4784. [LINK]

Lin, H.-D., Y.-R. Chen, Si-Min Lin*. (2012)

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62, 251–262. [LINK]

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