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Biodiversity and Taxonomy

You, C.-W., Y.-P. Lin, Y.-H. Lai, Y.-L. Chen, Y. Tang, S.-P. Chou, H.-Y. Chang, R. T. Zappalorti, Si-Min Lin*. (2013)
Zoological Studies 52, 8. [LINK]

Lue, K.-Y., Si-Min Lin*. (2008)
Herpetologica 64(3), 379–395. [LINK]

Lin, H.-C., S.-H. Li, J. Fong, Si-Min Lin*. (2008-09) Ventral coloration differentiation and mitochondrial sequences of the Chinese Cobra (Naja atra) in Taiwan. Conservation Genetics, 9, 1089–1097.
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