Si-Min Lin
School of Life Science,
National Taiwan Normal University
Email: lizard.dna@gmail.com

Research Field 研究領域
1. Herpetology 兩棲爬行動物學
2. Raptor Research and Conservation 猛禽研究與保育
3. Animal Behavior and Animal Cognition 行為生態與動物認知
4. Molecular Ecology and Phyloegenetics 分子生態與親緣關係
5. Conservation Biology and Wildlife Trades 保育生物學與野生動物貿易
Ungoing Projects 進行中的研究
1. Life History Traits and Sexual Selection of Grass Lizards
2. Signal Transmission and Gene FLow among Closely Related Species
3. Species Delimitation and Cryptic Species of Lizards
4. Animal Cognition amd Management of Reptilian Pets
5. Raptor Ecology
Lectures 開授課程
1. Vertebrate Zoology 脊椎動物學
2. Evolutionary Biology 演化生物學
3. Conservation Biology 保育生物學
4. Herpetology 兩棲爬行動物學
Experiences 經歷
2019 – Now Distbguished Professor 優聘教授
2016 – 2018 Professor 教授(National Taiwan Normal University)
2013 – 2016 Associate Professor 副教授(National Taiwan Normal University)
2008 – 2013 Assistant Professor 助理教授(National Taiwan Normal University)
2004 – 2008 Assistant Professor 助理教授(Chinese Cuture University)
2003 – 2004 Postdoctoral Researcher 博士後研究(National Taiwan University)
Education 學歷
1998 – 2003 Ph.D. Degree
Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University
台灣師範大學生命科學系 博士
1993 – 1995 Master's Degree
Institute of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University
清華大學生命科學研究所 碩士
1989 – 1993 Bacheler's Degree
Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University
清華大學物理學系 學士